
Metallbau und Präzisionsmechanik: Lohnerhöhung für 30.000 Arbeitnehmer im Südwesten ab Januar 2025

Fast 30,000 employees in the metal construction and precision mechanics industry in the southwest will see an increase in their wages. Starting in January 2025, salaries and wages will initially rise by 3.2%, followed by another increase of 3.3% in July 2025, as announced by the Metalworkers‘ Union IG Metall in Stuttgart on Tuesday. In addition, these employees will receive an inflation adjustment bonus of 1,200 euros, with the first payment scheduled for June.

The union, IG Metall, expressed satisfaction with the agreement. Negotiation leader Matthias Fuchs commented, „The salary increase covers rising costs and highlights recognition for employees‘ work in difficult economic times.“ Furthermore, the industry becomes more attractive to qualified workers due to the competitive salaries.

Prior to the negotiations, employees had enforced their demands through warning strikes in the companies, as stated by the union. The new collective agreement will run for 24 months until the end of April 2026.

This increase in wages for metalworkers in the southwest reflects a positive trend towards better compensation and recognition for their dedicated work. The agreement reached through negotiations and supported by organized actions such as strikes demonstrates the effectiveness of collective bargaining in improving working conditions and economic prosperity for employees in the industry. Furthermore, the inflation adjustment bonus provides additional support for workers facing the challenges of increased living costs.

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