
Autodiebe auf der Lauer: Benzin aus Auto gestohlen in Coesfeld

In Dülmen, an incident of petrol theft occurred on Linnertstraße, where unknown individuals targeted a grey VW Up. The theft took place between 18:00 on Thursday, 23rd May 2024, and 18:10 on Sunday, 26th May 2024, when the perpetrators drilled into the vehicle’s tank to siphon off petrol. The Dülmen police urge anyone with information to come forward by contacting them at 02594-7930.

It is concerning that such criminal activities take place in residential areas like Linnertstraße, causing inconvenience and financial loss to vehicle owners. The theft of fuel not only impacts the individual directly affected but also raises concerns about the overall safety and security of the neighborhood. The police work diligently to investigate such incidents and rely on cooperation from the community to help solve them.

Residents are encouraged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior or incidents promptly to the authorities. By staying proactive and working together with law enforcement, the community can help deter and prevent such crimes from happening in the future. The Dülmen police can be reached at 02541-14-290 to -292 for any additional information or leads related to the petrol theft on Linnertstraße. Let us unite to create a safer environment for all residents and combat criminal activities effectively.

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