
Unfassbar: Imam feiert tödliche Messerattacke in Mannheim

In Mannheim, a hatred-spreading preacher known as „Imam Mehti“ has been celebrating brutal acts, including the knife attack in Mannheim. Shockingly, despite his appalling online behavior, he seems to be avoiding legal consequences. Identified by authorities, this preacher is currently under the scrutiny of the Federal Criminal Police Office and the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Investigations are underway at the State Criminal Police Office in Baden-Württemberg regarding individuals lauding the knife attack on social media platforms. Once the content crosses the threshold into criminality, legal action will be pursued.

This extremist figure, known to also go by the names „Muhammed Mahti“ and „the Messiah believed in by Jews,“ has left a digital trail spanning from Hesse and Frankfurt’s high-rise settlements to a medical facility in Niška Banja, Serbia. Despite his online presence promoting hate speech, incitement, and glorification of criminal activities, his location in a jurisdictional blind spot hampers the swift application of justice against him. He brazenly exhibits a distorted view, claiming ownership of the „true Quran“ in German on a mobile app, disrespecting orthodox Islamic beliefs and historical figures.

Adding to his transgressions, the preacher indulges in despicable acts, such as justifying pedophilia and engaging in antisemitic activities. By challenging traditional Islamic teachings, he lays claim to superiority over revered scholars and offers supposed spiritual services for a hefty sum. His inflammatory rhetoric and actions significantly increase his vulnerability to retaliatory violence by those offended or harmed by his misconduct. Despite his online platforms being grounds for potential criminal investigations, neither law enforcement nor social media companies have taken steps to shut them down, perpetuating the reach and influence of this hateful individual.

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