
Experten diskutieren: Leberzirrhose & Lebertransplantation – Infoveranstaltung in Mannheim am 4. Juli 2024

Mannheim Community Comes Together for Liver Disease Information Event

On Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 5:00 PM, the II. Medical Clinic of the University Medical Center Mannheim (UMM) will host a special event focusing on liver diseases, particularly liver cirrhosis and liver transplantation. This event aims to provide patients with valuable information and support regarding these critical health issues.

Liver diseases are a common concern among the population, often leading to severe changes in liver tissue over time for some patients. The experts at the UMM’s Hepatology section are specialized in treating liver cirrhosis and its associated challenges. In cases where liver function continues to deteriorate despite medical efforts, requiring a liver transplant, patients are supported on this journey by specialists from the Medical Clinic, Surgical Clinic, and Radiology Clinic of the UMM.

Patients facing liver health issues often have numerous practical questions related to surgery, medications, lifestyle adjustments, and support groups. The upcoming event will feature discussions led by UMM specialists, experts from the Heidelberg Transplantation Center, and representatives from the Liver Transplant Recipients support group. The goal is to address these questions, provide clarity, and offer participants an opportunity to deepen their understanding of liver cirrhosis and transplantation.

The event will take place at the University Medical Center Mannheim, located at House 12, Auditorium 05, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim. Anyone interested in attending is encouraged to register in advance by emailing:

Additional Information:

In recent years, the incidence of liver diseases has been on the rise globally, with lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption, obesity, and viral infections playing significant roles. Regular screenings and early detection can help in managing these conditions effectively.

The field of hepatology continues to advance, with ongoing research focusing on innovative treatment options, personalized medicine approaches, and improved post-transplant care for patients. This progress offers hope for better outcomes and quality of life for individuals affected by liver diseases.

Community events like the one hosted by UMM serve as vital platforms for education, awareness, and building a supportive network for individuals dealing with liver health challenges. By coming together, sharing knowledge, and fostering understanding, communities can make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by liver diseases.

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