
Belgien verspricht Militärhilfe im Wert von 977 Millionen Euro für die Ukraine

Ukraine’s President Selenskyj met with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo in Brussels, where it was announced that Belgium would provide military aid worth at least 977 million euros in the current year. This assistance includes the delivery of 30 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, along with modern armored vehicles, equipment for air defense, maritime security, and mine clearance to bolster Ukraine’s defense capabilities against Russian aggression.

In addition to the military equipment, Belgium has committed to continuing its support for the coalition providing artillery shells and training programs for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The agreement also includes political backing for Ukraine’s aspirations to join the European Union and NATO.

The military aid package from Belgium comes at a crucial time for Ukraine, as tensions with Russia remain high in the region. The F-16 fighter jets, in particular, are expected to enhance Ukraine’s air defense capabilities and strengthen its deterrence against potential threats.

The strategic partnership between Ukraine and Belgium underscores the importance of international cooperation in addressing security challenges and promoting stability in the region. The military assistance provided by Belgium demonstrates solidarity with Ukraine and reinforces the commitment to upholding European security and defense.

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