
Spritpreise zu Pfingsten: Tanken vor der Grenze oder doch im Ausland?

Wo lohnt es sich besonders, vor der Grenze zu tanken? Finde heraus, wo du am meisten sparen kannst!

In Baden-Württemberg, domestic fuel prices often prove to be more affordable compared to neighboring countries, making it advantageous for those embarking on an overseas journey by car during the Pentecost holidays to fill up before the border. The latest fuel price data from the EU Commission reveals notable disparities in gasoline and diesel costs across Europe. For those heading to Switzerland, a pre-border refuel is recommended as prices there are reported to be slightly higher, with gasoline costing about 2 to 3 cents more and diesel around 31 cents more compared to German rates. Similarly, France presents higher fuel expenses with a 5-cent increase for gasoline and 7 cents for diesel as documented by the EU Commission.

However, opting to fuel up in Austria proves to be the most cost-effective choice among neighboring countries. Austria currently offers gasoline prices approximately 22 cents lower per liter and diesel nearly 5 cents cheaper than in Germany. This affordability in Austria makes it an attractive option for travelers, especially those exploring the German-Austrian border regions like Lake Constance. Nevertheless, for those whose route passes through Austria as a transit country, it may be more financially beneficial to delay refueling until reaching the subsequent destination. Slovenia boasts gasoline prices that are 30 cents lower and Croatia offers a 26-cent advantage per liter compared to Germany. The savings extend to diesel as well, with Slovenia and Croatia offering an 11-cent and 7-cent price advantage respectively over Germany.

For travelers continuing their journey towards Italy, refilling the tank in Austria is advised. Italy reflects a 3-cent increase in gasoline prices and a substantial 11-cent surge in diesel costs compared to rates in Germany. These variations in fuel prices, based on EU Commission data as of May 6, are influenced by factors like taxes and levies, which differ from country to country. Additionally, fuel prices can fluctuate not only between regions and fuel stations but also vary depending on the time of day. It’s worth noting that prices on highways may soar significantly higher than those along local roads in certain countries.

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