
Mühlacker Straßenbau: Sanierung der B10 beginnt nach Freigabe der Ziegeleistraße

Mühlacker’s Ziegeleistraße Becomes Key Diversion Route for B10 Reconstruction

After four months of construction, the Ziegeleistraße in Mühlacker has reopened to traffic, serving as a vital diversion route for the ongoing inner-city B10 reconstruction project.

The renovation of the 500-meter road section between the railway underpass and the roundabout at Vetterstraße was carried out by Wolff & Müller on behalf of HKPE Hofkammer Projektentwicklung GmbH. Mühlacker’s Mayor Armin Dauner, HKPE Managing Director Peter Laustetter, and Wolf & Müller’s Philip Kircher officially reopened the Ziegeleistraße for traffic on Friday afternoon, marking the completion of the project.

The Successful Collaboration in Mühlacker’s Infrastructure Revitalization

The construction included not only resurfacing the road but also the addition of a new roundabout in line with the development of the Ziegelhöhe residential area. This new infrastructure will provide access to upcoming businesses, such as a grocery store and a hardware store, within the Ziegelhöhe area.

Managing Director Laustetter emphasized the smooth and timely completion of the project, which even included extra tasks like the construction of a combined pedestrian and cycling path. The road received a brand-new asphalt surface, and the underlying foundation was entirely renovated. Additionally, enhancements were made to pedestrian and cyclist safety with raised sidewalks on the north side and marked bike lanes on the south side along the railway tracks.

High-Quality Work and Future Plans in Mühlacker

Simultaneously, the Mühlacker Utilities Company installed empty conduits for electricity and fiber optics underground, while also laying cables for street lighting. Philip Kircher, the site manager for Wolff & Müller, commended the excellent collaboration during the construction phase, particularly highlighting the successful construction of the new Ziegelhöhe roundabout opposite the train station building.

Mayor Dauner expressed his satisfaction with the project’s quality and timely completion, further reinforcing the effective partnership between HKPE Hofkammer Projektentwicklung and the city. The focus will now shift to the sewer system, with plans for the groundbreaking of the hardware store in August.

Today marks the beginning of the renovation works on the B10 road passing through Mühlacker, which is planned to progress in three distinct phases.

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