
Fahrer ohne Fahrerlaubnis: Polizei stoppt 29-Jährigen auf der L116

Illegal partaking in traffic without a driver’s license in Riegel

A recent incident in Riegel has raised concerns about the safety of individuals engaging in traffic without the appropriate driver’s license. On Saturday, 22.06.2024, at 02:10 am on the L 116 between Bahlingen and Riegel, a 29-year-old driver was stopped by a patrol from the Emmendingen police station for a routine traffic check. The inspection revealed that the man was no longer in possession of a valid driver’s license. As a result, he was prohibited from continuing his journey, and his vehicle key was temporarily confiscated. The individual is now facing potential charges for driving without a valid license.

This incident highlights the importance of adhering to traffic laws and regulations to ensure the safety of all road users. Driving without a valid license not only puts the individual at risk but also poses a danger to other motorists and pedestrians. It is crucial for all drivers to comply with licensing requirements to prevent accidents and maintain order on the roads.

In light of this event, it is essential for authorities to continue monitoring and enforcing traffic regulations to deter individuals from engaging in illegal activities on the road. Strict enforcement of licensing requirements can help reduce the number of incidents involving unlicensed drivers and contribute to overall road safety.

For any media inquiries or further information, please contact the press office of the Freiburg Police Department:

Jenna Steeb
Police Headquarters Freiburg
Press Office
Phone: 0761 882-1026
Email: freiburg.pressestelle@polizei.bwl.de

Stay updated on the latest news and updates from the Freiburg Police Department through their official social media channels:

In case of emergencies outside of office hours, please contact the Freiburg Police Department via email: freiburg.pp@polizei.bwl.de

Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters, transmitted via news aktuell

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