
TC Bad Schussenried triumphiert mit beeindruckendem 6:3-Sieg gegen SV Böblingen in der Württembergliga

TC Bad Schussenried triumphs with an away win

The tennis men of TC Bad Schussenried secured a 6-3 away victory against SV Böblingen in the Württembergliga. This victory saw the TCS defeat a strong contender for the title, maintaining an undefeated record and holding onto the top spot in the standings.

After the singles matches, Schussenried already led with an impressive 4-2 scoreline. Dominik Böhler, Linus Erhart, Niklas Rohrer, and David Gaissert clinched victories for TCS, showcasing their skill and determination on the court.

Although Michael Walser narrowly lost in a match tiebreak against Luka Shane Eble, and Felix Veyhle was defeated by Amar Tahirovic, the duo of Veyhle/Walser secured the crucial sixth point for the Schussenried team, defeating Tahirovic/Eble in a hard-fought battle.

Veyhle/Walser secure the sixth point

The top doubles team of Schussenried, Böhler/Rohrer, emerged victorious against Wiedenhorn/Niethammer with a score of 6-1, 6-2. On the other hand, the duo of Erhart/Gaissert faced tough competition from the SVB pair of Liaonenka/Roth, ultimately losing in three sets.

The sixth and decisive point for Schussenried was clinched by Veyhle/Walser, defeating Tahirovic/Eble in a thrilling match that ended 6-3, 3-6, 12-10. A satisfied player-coach David Gaissert reflected on the outcome, noting that the Böblingen team surely had different expectations for the match.

Upcoming home game on Sunday

Next up for TCS is a home game on Sunday against TC Herrenberg, the promoted team with one win and one loss so far this season. The match is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m., offering fans an exciting opportunity to support the Bad Schussenried team on their quest for continued success.

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