
Erwartet wird eine Hitzewelle: Temperaturen über 30 Grad im Anmarsch

Summer Heatwave Hits Austria

As the summer season kicks off in Austria, the weather forecast indicates a significant rise in temperatures in the coming days. A high-pressure system moving in from the Mediterranean is shifting towards the Alpine region, bringing hot air from Spain and North Africa. This unusual early summer heatwave marks the first time this year that temperatures have soared above 30 degrees, with peak values reaching around 35 degrees on Thursday and Friday.

While the soaring temperatures are welcome for those looking to enjoy the summer outdoors, the high humidity levels are adding a level of discomfort. Nights are also expected to be warm, with some areas not dipping below 20 degrees, leading to the first instance of a tropical night this year.

Impact on Outdoor Activities

The surge in temperatures and dry weather spell good news for outdoor enthusiasts and farmers alike. The low probability of rain on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday allows for prolonged periods of dry weather, crucial for agricultural activities such as haymaking.

However, this brief summer interlude is set to come to an end with the arrival of a cold front on Friday night, accompanied by heavy showers and thunderstorms. The return to more average temperatures by the third week of June will mark the conclusion of this initial heatwave.

Beach Season Beginnings

Despite the delayed start to the bathing season due to cooler weather, Austria’s lakes are now inviting swimmers with water temperatures around 20 degrees, offering a refreshing escape from the heat. With the upcoming hot weather, water temperatures are expected to rise gradually.

A recent report released by the European Commission and the European Environment Agency highlighted the excellent water quality of Austrian bathing waters, with 96.7% of tested lakes and ponds meeting the highest standards. While public swimming pool facilities have been ready since early May, recent storm damages have affected operations in some regions, notably in Styria.

Climate Change Impact

This year’s anomalous weather patterns, characterized by a cool and wet May, are becoming increasingly uncommon amid global warming trends. The absence of hot days in May, typically occurring every five years, underscores the changing climate dynamics.

The prevalence of low-pressure systems and unstable weather patterns in recent months has raised concerns about the impact of climate change. The intensification of extreme weather events, including floods, storms, and heatwaves, serves as a stark reminder of the escalating environmental challenges posed by the climate crisis.

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