
Metallcontainerbrand in Ochtrup: Polizei sucht Zeugen

In Ochtrup, specifically at Beethovenstraße, a fire broke out in a metal container. The incident was discovered on Wednesday at 10:30 pm. The container, located on the premises of residential containers, was filled with bulky waste and various debris. According to current investigations, unknown perpetrators set the contents on fire, and it was engulfed in flames upon the arrival of the fire department. The fire also spread to adjacent bushes due to the blaze.

The local fire department from Ochtrup successfully extinguished the fire, resulting in an estimated total damage of around 1,500 euros. Fortunately, no individuals were harmed during the incident. The police have initiated an investigation into this case of arson and are seeking witnesses who can provide information about the perpetrators. Anyone with relevant information is encouraged to contact the Ochtrup police at 02553/93 56 41 55.

Daniel Wom Webdesign

For further inquiries, please reach out to the press office of the Steinfurt Police at 02551 152200.

Original Content from: Polizei Steinfurt, transmitted via news aktuell.

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