
Cabrio-Enthusiasten: Wo in Deutschland die meisten offenen Autos fahren

The Love for Cabrios: A Trend in Wealthy Areas

When it comes to feeling the wind in your hair, nothing beats cruising in a convertible. Despite a decline in new registrations, cabrios still hold a special place in the hearts of many car enthusiasts. In Germany, the data from the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt reveals an interesting trend – the majority of cabrios are found in regions with above-average incomes.

Back in 2023, only 1.8% of the 2.8 million new car registrations were cabrios, with a total of 52,000 new registrations. This represents a significant drop from previous years when cabrio registrations were in the six-digit range. This decline has also led to major car manufacturers like VW and Opel discontinuing their cabrio models in recent years.

However, for those who still crave the open-air driving experience, certain regions stand out as hotspots for cabrio ownership. The district of Starnberg tops the list with 56 cabrios per 1000 residents, followed by the Hochtaunus district in Hesse and Bad Dürkheim in Rhineland-Palatinate. These regions, along with Baden-Baden and the district of Munich, all share a common trait – a high average income level.

On the flip side, eastern regions of Germany have the lowest cabrio ownership rates, with Jena leading the pack with only seven cabrios per 1000 residents. The average for Germany is 26 cabrios per 1000 residents. Surprisingly, the Saarland takes the top spot among states with 37 cabrios per 1000 residents, followed by Rheinland-Pfalz and Baden-Württemberg.

Overall, the number of cabrios has seen a slight increase over the past decade, with over 2.2 million cabrios on German roads as of the latest data. While the cabrio market may have experienced a decline, the love for open-top driving remains strong, especially in regions where luxury and convertible cars are a common sight.

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