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Israel’s Netanyahu criticizes the release of Gaza hospital chief amidst allegations of torture

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under scrutiny following the release of al-Shifa Hospital’s Director, Muhammad Abu Salmiya, who has made alarming claims of abuse and torture suffered by Gaza detainees in Israeli prisons.

Netanyahu, who ordered an investigation into the „serious mistake“ of releasing Abu Salmiya, faces backlash from hardline coalition partners, including Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who labeled the move as „security negligence.“

The decision to release Abu Salmiya and 54 others was met with anger in Tel Aviv, with calls for those responsible to be held accountable. Former war cabinet member Benny Gantz urged for the dismissal of individuals who sanctioned the release, emphasizing the need to prioritize budget and space for current prisoners.

Claims of abuse and torture in Israeli detention centers have been substantiated by released prisoners, highlighting the deplorable conditions faced by detainees. Abu Salmiya and others have recounted harrowing experiences of physical and psychological torment, with reports of deaths and severe mistreatment while in custody.

Amidst the release of medical practitioners like Bassam Miqdad, head of the orthopaedic unit at the European Gaza Hospital, questions arise about the treatment of healthcare professionals detained in Israel. Hamas has vehemently denied allegations of using hospitals as shields for operations, calling for international intervention to address the plight of Palestinian detainees.

The release of Abu Salmiya has sparked a debate on the handling of prisoners and the need for transparency in the Israeli justice system. As allegations of abuse continue to surface, the international community watches closely to see how Netanyahu’s government responds to these grave human rights concerns.

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