
24 Landschaftsgärtnerinnen und Landschaftsgärtner freigesprochen: Abschlussfeier an der BBS III Stade

Celebration for the Graduation of Landscape Gardeners at BBS III Stade

On the 20th of June at 3:00 pm, the BBS III in Stade celebrated the graduation of 24 new professionals in garden and landscape construction, with twelve of them personally receiving their certificates. The former apprentices from across northeastern Lower Saxony received their diplomas in a festive event organized by the Agricultural Chamber (LWK) of Lower Saxony, BBS III Stade, and the Association of Garden, Landscape, and Sports Field Construction Niedersachsen-Bremen e.V. The on-site organization was led by vocational school teacher Jörn-Peter Schulz. Words of praise during the ceremony for the graduates were spoken by the class teachers of the former apprentices, as well as school principal Bettina Hasekamp-Harms, Lynn Schlichting representing the VGL Niedersachsen-Bremen e.V., and Dorothee Peiper from the LWK of Lower Saxony.

The celebration honored the best achievements of Paul Niklas Deppe (Dede GaLaBau GmbH & Co.KG), Philipp Erdmann (Holzapfel GbR), and Tjark Schmidt (Sebastian Müller Garten- und Landschaftsbau GmbH & Co. KG). Mareike Lischka (Grewe Rotenburg GmbH) was also recognized for her exceptional exam performance.

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The accurate professional title is „Gardener, specializing in garden and landscape construction.“ There are a total of seven training directions in this profession. In Lower Saxony, landscape gardeners make up approximately 80% of the gardening apprentices. During the final exam in the field of garden and landscape construction, a small overall landscaping work must be created. This includes measuring heights, executing pavement work with natural and concrete stones, planting trees professionally, and creating flower beds and lawn areas. In the oral exam part, the future professionals must demonstrate their competencies in plants, materials, work processes, and operational contexts.

Landscape construction companies welcome their new colleagues as skilled workers are in demand. Therefore, young landscape gardeners can expect promising career prospects. Those who decide to pursue further education as a master craftsman or technician after several years of professional experience also have excellent job opportunities. A post-apprenticeship study, such as engineering in landscape construction, also opens up many perspectives and good employment prospects, such as working as a manager in construction management.

The celebration for the graduates in the green professions was organized by the Association of Garden, Landscape, and Sports Field Construction Niedersachsen-Bremen e.V. In 2024, it still represents the largest group of graduates in the profession of gardener, specializing in garden and landscape construction.

The Association of Garden, Landscape, and Sports Field Construction Niedersachsen-Bremen e.V. represents more than 400 specialist companies in garden, landscape, and sports field construction as an employer and economic association, providing its members with a wide range of services, including in the areas of training and continuing education (AuGaLa), public relations, legal matters, and landscape gardening expertise.

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