Märkischer Kreis

Kündigungswelle bei Kostal: Mitarbeiter kämpfen gegen Entlassungen

Kostal Company in Lüdenscheid terminates 429 employees – Dozens of employees file lawsuits

Recent developments at the Kostal company in Lüdenscheid have caused a stir within the community. The decision to terminate 429 employees has not only affected the individuals involved but has also sparked debates about labor rights and corporate responsibility.

The closure of the Kostal sites in Lüdenscheid and Meinerzhagen has raised concerns among workers, resulting in 56 termination protection lawsuits being filed, with 37 still pending. The total number of terminations issued by the Kostal Automobil Elektrik GmbH & Co. KG for the Lüdenscheid and Meinerzhagen locations amounts to 429, split between two separate timelines.


Offering incentives for early departure

Reports suggest that over 300 employees have opted for an early departure from Kostal, enticed by a „Sprinter bonus.“ This bonus rewards individuals with €1000 extra for every month they leave the company before their scheduled departure date. The amount of severance pay varies based on the employees‘ age, with those between 56 and 62 years receiving up to 21 monthly salaries, while younger workers receive between 12 and 14 monthly salaries. Additionally, a „lawsuit waiver bonus“ of €3000 has been negotiated.

Filing of 56 termination protection lawsuits

Some employees found the terms of the agreement challenging, leading to a spike in termination protection lawsuits. A total of 56 cases related to the Kostal restructuring have been brought to the Arbeitsgericht Iserlohn, with 19 cases being resolved through settlements. However, the legal process is ongoing for the remaining 37 cases.

While Kostal initially announced plans to lay off up to 1000 employees by the end of 2024, the actual number affected by the cuts remains uncertain. The IG Metall union has been actively involved in supporting workers through this challenging period, emphasizing the need for fair treatment and adequate compensation.

Despite the legal proceedings, efforts have been made to protect the rights of employees facing termination, particularly concerning additional benefits for individuals with disabilities or dependent children. The situation continues to evolve, with ongoing discussions between the company, employees, and union representatives.

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