
Neue Drogenkonsum-Methode Boofing alarmiert Berliner Clubszene

„Clubs in Berlin: Neue Drogentrends und ihre Risiken“

Berlin’s club scene is renowned worldwide for its vibrant atmosphere and innovative music venues. From the iconic Berghain to the underground Tresor, the city offers a diverse range of nightlife experiences.

However, recent discussions in online forums have shed light on emerging drug trends among club-goers. In addition to traditional substances like alcohol, many individuals are now experimenting with drugs such as speed, cocaine, and ketamine. One particularly concerning trend that has emerged is known as „boofing,“ where drugs are ingested anally in liquid form.

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Despite initial skepticism, experts like Anette Hofmann from the drug counseling center Fixpunkt have clarified that boofing can actually be a safer method of drug consumption, especially for individuals who struggle with traditional administration routes. The method involves introducing the drug directly into the bloodstream through the rectal mucosa, resulting in a quicker and more intense high.

Nevertheless, the practice of boofing is not without risks. Csilla Tolnai from the Schwulenberatung Berlin warns that improper sterilization techniques or the use of shared equipment can lead to infections and irritations in the anal region. Although some precautions can be taken, such as using lubricant and sterile tools, there is still a heightened risk of infections, particularly hepatitis, post-consumption.

Furthermore, the potency of substances and the likelihood of overdosing are significantly higher with boofing compared to traditional routes of administration. This underscores the importance of exercising caution and seeking expert advice before experimenting with this method, especially in the club environment.

It is crucial to recognize that drug consumption carries inherent dangers, including addiction and serious health implications. If you or someone you know requires assistance or information, resources like the Federal Center for Health Education’s Emergency Hotline (01806 313031) can provide valuable support and guidance.

As Berlin’s club scene continues to evolve, it is essential for individuals to prioritize their well-being and make informed choices regarding drug use. By understanding the risks associated with new trends like boofing, club-goers can better protect themselves and others from harm while enjoying the city’s vibrant nightlife.

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