
Einsames Kaninchen Shippo sucht nach einem liebevollen Zuhause

Shippo’s Search for her First Home

Shippo, a one-eyed bunny, has spent her entire life in a shelter in Nuremberg. She was born there and has been waiting for someone to give her a loving home since August last year.

The Journey of Shippo

Life at the shelter has shaped Shippo into a kind, reserved rabbit who is affectionate towards humans. However, she suffers from dental issues and requires regular fur care, including grooming and trimming.

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A Home for Shippo

It is crucial that Shippo is placed in an indoor environment to ensure her well-being. The shelter staff are dedicated to finding the right match for her and are available to provide more information about her specific needs.

Despite being in the shelter for so long, Shippo has garnered support from over 200 individuals on social media, with many expressing interest in giving her a forever home. This outpouring of support offers hope that Shippo will soon find a family that will cherish her.

While Shippo’s story tugs at the heartstrings, she is not the only animal in need of a home. Dogs like Fee, Emiliy, Romeo, and Tyson are also waiting for their chance to be adopted into a loving family at the Nuremberg shelter.

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