
Schwere Niederlage für die Junioren von Stade Toulousain-finale 23-15

Stade Toulousain’s Crabos Fall Short in Final Showdown

The juniors Crabos team from Stade Toulousain faced a tough loss in the finals on Saturday in Casteljaloux against CA Brive. Despite showcasing skill and determination throughout the season, the Stade Toulousain juniors failed to match the level of their opponents, resulting in a bitter 23-15 defeat.

From the onset of the match, it was evident that the CA Brive team had a stronger hold on the game, displaying both precision and character. The nerves seemed to get the better of the „red and black“ team, as instances of indiscipline allowed the Corréziens to take the lead with two penalties from their reliable fly-half, Luka Keletaona.

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Although the Stade Toulousain attempted to regain momentum at various points in the game, errors and penalties hindered their progress. It was only towards the midpoint of the match that they managed to string together some successful plays, leading to a penalty conversion by Thomas Alary, bringing the score to 9-3 at halftime.

The Late Surge and Brive’s Dominance

Following the break, it seemed that a motivational speech from the coaching staff spurred the Stade Toulousain to put up a fight. Despite a yellow card for a Brive player, the Toulouse team rallied and closed the gap with a try by captain Marceau Marzullo, converted by Alary. However, this moment of resurgence was short-lived.

Brive’s scrum-half, Anoa Laurent, turned the tide decisively with two quick tries, securing a comfortable lead for his team. Toulouse’s efforts to mount a comeback were in vain, as Brive’s control over the game continued to strengthen, culminating in a late try by Destarac Cussat that proved insufficient to overturn the match’s trajectory.

Final Score: Toulouse 15 – Brive 23

Location Casteljaloux
Halftime Score 3-9
Man of the Match Luka Keletaona

It was a hard-fought battle between two talented teams, with Brive ultimately emerging victorious with a score of 23-15. Despite the disappointment of falling short in the final, the Stade Toulousain juniors should be commended for their commendable performance throughout the season, displaying resilience and determination in the face of a formidable opponent.

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