
Ministerpräsident Daniel Günther fordert gerechtere Verteilung der Energiewende-Kosten

Schleswig-Holstein – Günther’s Call for Fairer Cost Distribution in Energy Transition

In a recent statement, Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) has emphasized the need for a more equitable distribution of costs in the energy transition. Günther expressed his concerns regarding the current regulations on grid fees, labeling them as „absurd“ in an interview with the „Neue Berliner Redaktionsgesellschaft“ newspapers.

Under the current system, the costs associated with expanding the power grid lead to price increases for consumers in regions with high renewable energy production. This situation results in local consumers bearing the brunt of the costs, ultimately reducing the overall acceptance of the energy transition, as highlighted by Günther.


Günther proposed a nationwide standardization of costs as a potential solution to the issue, stating that such a measure would be a crucial step towards improvement. He also voiced support for a proposal put forth by the Federal Network Agency, acknowledging, however, the resistance from southern German states.

The CDU Minister President also criticized a recent proposal by CSU parliamentary group leader Alexander Dobrindt regarding the return of refugees to Ukraine. Günther stressed that the focus should be on integrating individuals from Ukraine into the workforce in Germany rather than endorsing initiatives to repatriate them. Dobrindt had previously stated, „It must now, over two years after the start of the war, be the principle: employment in Germany or return to safe areas of western Ukraine.“

Günther’s stance on fairer cost distribution in the energy transition reflects a broader concern for ensuring the sustainability and social acceptance of renewable energy initiatives in Schleswig-Holstein and beyond.

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