
Ehrung für Max Schierer Gruppe: Bayerischer Familienunternehmer des Jahres in Cham

Max Schierer Group from Cham named „Family Business of 2024“

The Max Schierer Group from Cham has been awarded the title of Bavarian Family Entrepreneur of the Year. The award was presented in Regensburg by the Business Association Die Familienunternehmer as part of the annual Bavarian Congress.

This family-run middle-sized company is one of the major building material specialists in Bavaria, as stated in the press release for the event. Founded in 1898, the traditional business has been family-owned for 126 years, now in its fourth generation, with nearly 400 employees across twelve locations in Eastern Bavaria and the Czech Republic.


Focus on Sustainability

The jury justified their decision by highlighting the extensive commitment of the family business. Jury chairman Ignaz Graf zu Toerring-Jettenbach emphasized in his laudatory speech that the company excels in tackling the major ecological and economic challenges of our time. „Sustainability is more than just a buzzword for the Max Schierer Group. It is a principle that influences active entrepreneurial action in all areas.“ The Max Schierer Group promotes environmentally friendly practices, conserves resources, and takes ecological responsibility by using renewable energies, reducing waste, and prioritizing the use of eco-friendly products. „Equally important is the support for local communities,“ said Ignaz Graf zu Toerring-Jettenbach.

To rousing applause, 88-year-old Max Schierer accepted the award on behalf of the group. In his speech, he paid tribute to his recently deceased brother Ludwig Schierer, with whom he took over the company from their father in 1969. He also remembered his son, Maximilian Schierer Jr., who tragically died in a plane crash in 2019. His death was a severe setback in the company’s history, as he already had full responsibility at that time. It was the exceptional performance of the employees that helped the company overcome this phase.

Martina Schierer, Managing Director of the Max Schierer Group, emphasized that receiving this award is a great incentive for their company to continue the success story of the Max Schierer Group. „Our motto is: The team is the star. I especially thank all the employees, to whom this award is due,“ Martina Schierer emphasized.

„The Team is the Star“

The jury for the „Bavarian Family Entrepreneur of the Year“ consists of entrepreneurs and representatives of the regional press. Ignaz Graf zu Toerring-Jettenbach, who heads the Graf zu Toerring-Jettenbach business group in Munich, chairs the jury. Their combined experience and knowledge have been utilized to acknowledge the achievements of Bavarian family businesses.

Additional Information:

Die Familienunternehmer, as the political advocacy group for more than 180,000 family entrepreneurs, follow values of freedom, property, competition, and responsibility. Family entrepreneurs in Germany employ over eight million workers in all sectors and generate an annual turnover of 1,700 billion euros.

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