Baden-WürttembergLindau (Bodensee)Stuttgart

Regionale Start-up Luftflug GmbH gewinnt beim Gründerwettbewerb in Oberschwaben

Luftflug GmbH brings innovative web development solution to the forefront in the „Start-up BW Elevator Pitch 2024″ regional cup

In a bid to showcase creative business ideas and commendable entrepreneurs across Baden-Württemberg, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has consistently organized the „Start-up BW Elevator Pitch“ competition for a decade. The regional rounds leading up to the final event are independently organized by partners throughout the region.

The Regional Cup for the Bodensee-Oberschwaben region took place during this year’s Entrepreneur Day on June 20, 2024. Among the participating teams, Luftflug GmbH stood out with their pioneering concept of a modular, scalable website system, securing a spot in the 2024 State Finals.

Daniel Wom Webdesign

Minister of Economic Affairs, Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, extended her congratulations to the newly crowned finalist, emphasizing the instrumental role entrepreneurs play in shaping the future of the economy. „It is heartening to see initiatives like the IHK Bodensee-Oberschwaben Regional Cup providing a platform for emerging talents to showcase their innovative business ideas,“ said Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut.

At the Regional Cup, 11 teams presented their business ideas before a panel of expert judges, highlighting the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit prevalent in the region.

Unveiling the „Start-up BW Elevator Pitch“

The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor, and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg conceptualized the „Start-up BW Elevator Pitch“ competition in October 2013 as part of the larger „Start-up BW“ campaign. For the 2023/2024 edition, the preliminary rounds are overseen by Start-up BW partners, who nominate their top finalists for the coveted State Finals.

During the competition, entrepreneurs and start-up teams are allotted a concise three-minute window to present their business idea to the jury and audience. The presentations are critically evaluated by a proficient jury, with a minimum of 7 start-ups and entrepreneurs participating in the preliminary round.

To qualify for the State Finals, the following criteria must be met:

  • The start-up founder(s) must be at least 18 years old on the day of the competition.
  • The start-up founder(s) must have worked on the specific business idea for no more than 5 years, be in the pre-launch or post-launch phase, and operate within Baden-Württemberg.
  • The business idea must be tangible, as abstract concepts are not eligible.
  • The business must be headquartered in Baden-Württemberg and must not have been previously presented at the „Start-up BW Elevator Pitch“ event.

For more details on the „Start-up BW Elevator Pitch,“ visit:

(Press Release: MediaPartner Ravensburg)

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