
Verkehrsumleitung in Augsburg: Demo führt zur Sperrung der Jakobstraße

Regensburg, a picturesque city in Bavaria, is buzzing with excitement as the Jakobstraße prepares for an upcoming event that will impact the local community. On the 22nd and 23rd of June 2024, a demonstration is set to take place, leading to the closure of Jakobstraße. This closure will not only affect the flow of traffic but also the public transportation system in the area.

The public transportation routes of Linien 1, 6, 11, N4, and N6 will undergo temporary changes during the event. These lines will be diverted between Hauptbahnhof and Taxisstraße/Ostdeutsche Galerie in both directions, utilizing the Südumgehung and Wittelsbacher Straße as alternative routes. This essential information should be kept in mind by those planning to use these lines during the specified dates.


It is imperative for residents and visitors alike to stay informed about these route changes to avoid any inconvenience or delays while traveling through the city. The demonstration may cause disruptions, but with proper awareness and preparation, commuters can navigate the temporary adjustments with ease.

During this period, the Linie 2 and other nighttime bus lines will continue their regular routes without any alterations, providing a convenient option for late-night travelers. It is crucial for passengers to plan their journeys accordingly and consider any potential delays that may arise due to the demonstration.

Regensburg’s commitment to hosting peaceful demonstrations showcases the city’s dedication to civic engagement and public discourse. As the community comes together to voice their opinions and advocate for various causes, it is essential to maintain open communication and respect for all individuals involved.

For the latest updates on transportation changes and potential disruptions in Regensburg, residents are encouraged to stay informed through official channels and local news sources. By staying informed and adapting to the temporary adjustments, residents can ensure a smooth and efficient commute during this event.

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