Schwäbisch Gmünd

Blutregen droht: Saharastaubwolke erreicht NRW – So schützen Sie Ihr Auto

Sparse Rain in Sahara and Challenges Facing NRW – A Grim Forecast for Drivers

NRW – As sparse rain gently falls over the Sahara, little do the residents of North Rhine-Westphalia realize the impending challenges it brings. The particles carried by the winds may seem harmless, but they pose a unique threat to drivers and vehicle owners in the region.

When the sky takes on a yellowish hue and the sun appears muted, the cause can often be traced back to the Sahara desert. Dust storms stir up fine particles of sand, carrying them high into the atmosphere. These tiny particles can travel great distances with strong upper-level winds, eventually reaching Europe, including NRW.


Whooshing Winds Bring Woes

Meteorologist Dominik Jung warns of a new wave of Saharan dust clouds making their way toward Germany, set to arrive in the southern region on Thursday before spreading across the west by evening. This influx could potentially lead to a phenomenon known as „blood rain,“ where dust is washed down by showers, staining surfaces with a reddish tinge.

While the presence of dust in the atmosphere may not pose a direct threat, conspiracy theories circulating on the internet may suggest otherwise. Despite the alarming misinformation, these dust clouds have historically traversed from Africa to Europe without significant repercussions. Nevertheless, recent weather patterns favoring southwesterly and southerly flows have increased the frequency of Saharan dust reaching NRW.

Impact on Motorists and Car Maintenance

Although the dust particles themselves may not be dangerous, the aftermath of „blood rain“ can create problems for drivers. The fine dust settling on vehicles can scratch the paint if not handled with care. The ADAC advises caution when cleaning vehicles post-rain to avoid permanent damage to the paintwork.

For drivers looking to rid their cars of Sahara dust residue, using copious amounts of water is crucial. The ADAC cautions against using sponges that could embed sand particles into the paint, causing scratches. While washing the car at home may be convenient, many areas prohibit this practice. Therefore, a trip to the car wash is recommended, with a pre-wash to remove as much dust as possible.

Drivers opting to clean their vehicles at home should take extra care. The ADAC recommends using a well-soaked cloth to clean hidden metal surfaces with doors and hatches open, frequently rinsing the cloth to prevent spreading dust inadvertently.

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