
Putin in Hanoi: Gespräche über strategische Partnerschaft mit Vietnam

Putin’s Diplomatic Endeavors Continue in Vietnam

Following his recent visit to North Korea, Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi. This move comes as part of his ongoing efforts to strengthen diplomatic ties in the region, reported by the Russian news agency Interfax.

While the reception in Hanoi did not reach the same level of pomp and ceremony as his welcome in Pyongyang, where he was personally greeted by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Putin was still greeted with military honors at the beginning of his state visit.

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During his time in Hanoi, Putin is scheduled to meet with several key figures, including the General Secretary of the Communist Party, Nguyen Phu Trong, who extended the invitation for the visit. Discussions are expected to cover various aspects of the comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and Vietnam, encompassing trade, technology, and humanitarian cooperation. Additionally, talks will touch on international political matters of importance.

Engaging with Vietnamese Students in Hanoi

One notable highlight of Putin’s visit will be his interaction with Vietnamese students who have studied in Russia or the former Soviet Union. These interactions serve as a testament to the longstanding partnership between the two nations, dating back to the Soviet era, when Moscow provided assistance to Hanoi during the Vietnam War.

Amidst Western sanctions resulting from his involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, Putin is turning his focus towards strengthening ties with countries in the East. Observers speculate that part of Putin’s agenda in Vietnam includes exploring potential partnerships for arms procurement, despite Vietnam officially declaring its neutrality in the ongoing conflict. Notable members of Putin’s delegation include Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin, the head of the Russian military-technical cooperation authority, Dmitry Shugaev, and the director of the arms export company Rosoboronexport, Alexander Mikheev.

This visit to Vietnam signifies Russia’s continued efforts to foster relationships in the region and further consolidate its position on the global diplomatic stage.

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