
König Mohammed VI begnadigt 1484 Personen zu Eid Al Adha

Aïd Al Adha – Royal Grace Benefit for 1484 Individuals

On the occasion of Aïd Al Adha this year, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God perpetuate His glory, has granted His Grace to a total of 1484 individuals convicted by various courts in the Kingdom. The Ministry of Justice released a statement detailing the royal pardon.

Out of the 1484 beneficiaries of the Royal Grace, 1209 detainees have been granted clemency. The pardons include the commutation of remaining prison sentences, complete remission of imprisonment terms, and the conversion of a life sentence to a fixed-term sentence for one individual.

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Moreover, 275 individuals who were already at liberty have also been included in the royal pardon. Their reprieves range from sentence reductions to full amnesties for fines and imprisonment terms.

This act of mercy by His Majesty the King exemplifies his commitment to justice and compassion for his subjects. It underscores the values of forgiveness and second chances, offering hope for rehabilitation and reintegration into society for those granted clemency.

As the nation celebrates Aïd Al Adha, this gesture of royal benevolence serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in the judicial system. It reflects a belief in the capacity for redemption and the opportunity for individuals to turn their lives around.

May God continue to bless His Majesty the King, a beacon of clemency and mercy, perpetuate His glory, and safeguard His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, along with all members of the Royal Family. (MAP)


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