BlaulichtEisenachKriminalität und JustizPolizei

Führerschein weg nach Promillefahrt: Polizeieinsatz in Neukirchen

In Eisenach, specifically in the Lerchenberger Straße located in the Neukirchen district, a 57-year-old man was involved in a significant police operation on a Saturday afternoon. The man had veered off the road and collided with a parked trailer. Despite causing property damage, he left the scene without being stopped. However, law enforcement was able to apprehend the driver shortly after. It was quickly determined that the reason for his erratic driving was his staggering alcohol level of well over two per mille. As a result, the 57-year-old man has temporarily lost his driver’s license, underwent a blood alcohol test, and is facing multiple legal proceedings due to his actions.

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