
Letzte Generation provoziert Polizeieinsatz im Schanzenviertel

In Hamburg, members of the group „Letzte Generation“ temporarily blocked a street in the Schanzenviertel area. Around 16 individuals participated in the protest, sitting on the street without attaching themselves to the pavement. Police officers quickly removed the protesters from the road, requiring them to continue their gathering on the sidewalk. The blockade lasted approximately ten minutes before being disbanded.

The Last Generation group’s gatherings are currently themed around the slogan „Democracy Needs Honesty.“ These actions reflect the group’s desire to bring attention to their beliefs and opinions through non-violent demonstrations. The group’s methods aim to engage the public and raise awareness on issues they consider important without causing harm or significant disruption.


The peaceful nature of the protest highlights the group’s commitment to expressing their views in a lawful and controlled manner. By choosing not to disrupt traffic or cause damage to public property, the Last Generation members demonstrate a respect for the rights of others while exercising their own freedom of assembly and expression in a responsible manner.

Although the protest was relatively short-lived, it serves as a visible example of how individuals can voice their opinions and engage in public discourse within the boundaries of the law. Such demonstrations play a role in shaping public opinion and drawing attention to social and political issues, contributing to the ongoing dialogue within the community.

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