
NBTC Group bietet Rs 8 Lakh an Angehörige der Opfer der Kuwait-Feuertragödie

NBTC Group, headquartered in Kuwait, recently made headlines due to a tragic incident that resulted in the loss of 49 lives, with 42 of the victims being Indian nationals. The company, well-known for its construction projects, faced a devastating fire in one of its residential accommodations in Mangaf, Kuwait, leading to the unfortunate demise of many individuals.

Leading the NBTC Group is K G Abraham, a prominent businessman hailing from Kerala. As the managing director of the organization, Abraham plays a vital role in overseeing the company’s operations and strategic decisions. Known for his business acumen, Abraham has been instrumental in shaping the success story of NBTC in the construction industry.

Established in 1977, NBTC has grown to become one of the largest construction groups in Kuwait, with a strong reputation for quality and reliability in its projects. The company’s portfolio includes engineering, construction, fabrication, machining, technical services, heavy equipment leasing, logistics, as well as investments in the hospitality and retail sectors.

Aside from his role at NBTC, K G Abraham also serves as the chairman of the prestigious Crowne Plaza hotel in Kochi and holds the position of founder and chairman at the KGA Group, which owns several renowned establishments in the region. With a diverse business portfolio, Abraham’s entrepreneurial ventures have made a significant impact on the local business landscape.

Notably, K G Abraham has ventured into the entertainment industry by co-producing the Malayalam movie ‚Adujeevitham‘ (Goat Life), a compelling tale that sheds light on the struggles faced by Indian migrant workers in Gulf countries. Through this film, Abraham brings attention to the challenges and hardships experienced by individuals seeking better opportunities abroad.

In response to the tragic incident in Kuwait, NBTC Group has announced immediate financial assistance of Rs 8 lakh to the families of the deceased, showcasing a commitment to supporting those affected by the unfortunate event. Additionally, the Central government and other prominent business entities have extended their support by providing financial aid to the affected families during this difficult time.

As investigations continue into the circumstances surrounding the fire at NBTC’s accommodation in Mangaf, the focus remains on understanding the causes of the incident and implementing measures to prevent such tragedies in the future. The collective efforts of the authorities, businesses, and the community are essential in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals in residential and commercial establishments.

Fact Sheet:
Date of Incident: June 12
Total Casualties: 49
Indian Victims: 42
Immediate Relief: Rs 8 lakh per family (NBTC Group)
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