BlaulichtHelmstedtKriminalität und JustizPolizei

Einbruch in Velpke: Tabakwaren gestohlen – Polizei bittet um Hinweise

In Velpke, in the early hours of Wednesday, unknown individuals broke into a beverage store on An der Bascheriede street. According to initial police reports, the perpetrators forcibly opened a rear entrance door and gained access to the interior of the beverage store. They stole several cartons of cigarettes and left the store the same way, fleeing in an unspecified vehicle in an unknown direction. The damage caused is estimated to be in the lower five-digit range.

The Helmstedt police are appealing to any witnesses who may have noticed suspicious individuals or vehicles on the night of the crime or in the days leading up to it, or who may have any other information about the perpetrators, to come forward by calling 05351-5210.

It is important for the community to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to law enforcement authorities to prevent future incidents of burglary and theft. The cooperation of residents and law enforcement agencies is crucial in maintaining the safety and security of the neighborhood. Authorities are working diligently to investigate the crime and apprehend those responsible for this unlawful act.

Residents are encouraged to be proactive in safeguarding their businesses and residences by implementing security measures such as installing alarms, proper lighting, and securely locking doors and windows. By working together, the community can create a safer environment for everyone.

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