
Tesla plant spezielle Version des Cybertrucks für den europäischen Markt

Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently discussed the need to redesign the company’s electric pick-up truck, the Cybertruck, for the European market. According to Musk, adapting the vehicle to meet international standards would require significant modifications that could potentially compromise its current design. He mentioned that any alterations to meet European requirements would only make sense once production numbers increase, indicating that certification for other countries may be achieved in the coming year.

The Cybertruck was originally tailored to meet regulations in North America, highlighting the challenges of aligning with global standards without compromising the vehicle’s design. Musk hinted at the possibility of creating specialized versions of the Cybertruck to comply with Chinese and European regulations, demonstrating Tesla’s commitment to expanding its market reach beyond the US.

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Despite facing delays, Tesla began delivering the distinctive stainless-steel-bodied Cybertruck towards the end of 2023. Musk has ambitious plans for an annual production volume of approximately 250,000 Cybertrucks, although the timeline for achieving this target remains uncertain. Recent data from April indicates that Tesla is currently capable of producing around 1000 Cybertrucks per week.

Large pick-up trucks are among the most popular vehicle categories in the US, with consumer preferences still leaning towards traditional combustion or hybrid engines. For instance, Ford has experienced limited success with the electric versions of its best-selling model, the F-150. Despite this trend, Musk remains confident in the Cybertruck’s appeal beyond US borders, as demonstrated by its presentation in several European countries earlier this year. However, some experts have raised concerns about the vehicle’s compatibility with EU regulations in its current form.

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