
Olga Golos: Grenzen des Materials und der Natur – Künstlerin-Gespräch in Altötting

Olga Golos‘ artworks exhibit a deceptive quality, with objects revealing their true character upon closer inspection. Her wall pieces unveil layers of complexity through movement. Glass masquerades as ceramic, metal mimics the lightness of paper, and gypsum takes on unexpected forms. Golos constantly pushes boundaries – those of visibility, nature, and the materials she works with. The exhibition „Border experiences beyond nature“ at the Stadtgalerie provides an overview of Golos‘ artistic journey. On the 20th of June at 6:00 PM, the Munich-based artist will engage in a dialogue with visitors, shedding light on her creative process and the conceptual framework behind her works, in a conversation moderated by art historian Dr. phil. Barbara Dabanoglu.

The team at Stadtgalerie Altötting has once again succeeded in bringing internationally renowned art to the city and emphasizing the gallery’s significance within Altötting’s diverse cultural landscape. Golos completed her diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich in 2017 and has since undertaken numerous projects across Europe, Asia, and the USA. In 2022, she was honored with the Gilbert Bayes Award by the Royal Society of Sculptors in London. Over the turn of 2022/23, she presented the expansive installation „fluky flora“ at the Pinakothek der Moderne, with an edition also on display at Stadtgalerie Altötting.


Registration for the artist talk can be done via or at the Citizen and Tourist Information office. Other upcoming events include a guided tour of the exhibition by the expert team on the 30th of June at 3:00 PM, and the „Art & Noise“ event on the 3rd of July at 6:00 PM, where Stadtgalerie meets FORUM for a special exhibition opening, brief tours, and a party at Zuccalliplatz.

Photo & Text: Kreisstadt Altötting

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