
DNA-EU-Spitzenkandidatin will Lösungen auf Gemeinsamer-Nenner-Prinzip finden: Positionierung jenseits von rechts, links oder mittig

Maria Hubmer-Mogg, DNA’s EU Spitzenkandidatin, has positioned herself neither right nor left nor center, as she stated in an interview with PULS 24. However, her stance in the interview could be classified as „right of center“ when addressing controversial issues, according to her.

Avoiding Excessive Right-Wing Labeling

Hubmer-Mogg aims to find solutions based on the „common ground“ principle. She believes it would be beneficial for the population if politicians worked according to this principle. In her opinion, taking sides might hinder an open discussion and goal-oriented work during meetings or in finding solutions.


If she were to obtain a mandate in the European Parliament, she would apply to join the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, a right-conservative party. When PULS 24 moderator Manuela Szinovatz remarked that this party was considered right-wing, Hubmer-Mogg responded: „I would stop emphasizing this right, right, right.“

Right-of-Center Position: When Dealing with Controversial Issues

During her studies, Hubmer-Mogg used to vote for the Green Party, but fortunately, she does not anymore. She believes the Greens should be ashamed of what they have become as a former „peace party.“ She hopes that the List Petrovic will attract some voters from this group in the upcoming national election.

Hubmer-Mogg emphasizes that she does not want a divide between left and right. According to the DNA’s EU Spitzenkandidatin, it should be possible to simply state the problem at hand. One such issue is migration, where she believes it is necessary to „tackle this contentious issue.“

If we were to classify her position in the „Heated Debate“ interview, it would most likely be „right of center.“ However, as Hubmer-Mogg emphasizes, it is acceptable in today’s world to hold that position when addressing various hot-button topics.

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