Ennepe-Ruhr-KreisKriminalität und Justiz

Prozess gegen mutmaßliche „Reichsbürger“-Terrorgruppe: Ermittlungen und Zeugenbefragungen in Frankfurt und Stuttgart

In Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Karlsruhe, the trial against a suspected „Reichsbürger“ terrorist group continues at the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt. Today, witnesses are being questioned, with police officers expected to provide information about Heinrich XIII. Prinz Reuß, a Frankfurt entrepreneur accused of being the leader. Meanwhile, investigations against the group are ongoing, with recent raids targeting potential supporters in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein.

In Frankfurt, nine defendants are accused of being members of a terrorist organization or supporting it. The prosecution alleges that they planned an armed uprising, knowingly risking lives in the process. It is claimed that they have outlined structures for their own system of government, with Reuß designated as the head of state. The trials in Frankfurt and Stuttgart are continuing, focusing on different aspects of the group’s activities.

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In addition to the ongoing trials, further investigations are underway in various regions. Recent raids conducted in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein involved a large police presence searching multiple properties. Interceptions of phone calls revealed discussions about hidden weapon caches, suggesting the existence of undisclosed armaments. While the authorities have targeted specific individuals in their actions, no arrests have been made yet.

The continuous scrutiny of the group’s activities highlights the complexity of the case. Law enforcement agencies are tasked with uncovering any potential threats posed by the „Reichsbürger“ movement. The trials aim to shed light on the extent of individuals‘ involvement and their intentions, including the alleged preparations for a violent insurrection.

With more than 700 police officers involved in the recent search operations, the scope of the investigation demonstrates the seriousness with which authorities are approaching the case. The „Reichsbürger“ ideology challenges the legitimacy of the modern German state and legal system. As the legal proceedings progress, the defense lawyers are refuting the prosecution’s claims, preparing to present their arguments. The accused are given the opportunity to address the allegations during the trial, offering insights into their perspectives and motivations.

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