
Waukesha’s DA Candidate Criticized for Donations to Chisholm – Election Controversy Sparks Debate

Lesli Boese, a candidate for Waukesha County District Attorney, has criticized fellow candidate Mike Thurston for his significant donations to Democratic Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm. Boese highlighted that Thurston’s donations exceeded Darrell Brooks‘ bail amount, indicating strong support for Chisholm’s political endeavors. Thurston, in response to questions regarding his donations, claimed not to recall several contributions, although campaign finance records confirm their existence.

Thurston justified his 2016 donation by citing Chisholm’s opponent at the time, Verona Swanigan, who was supported by conservative figures displeased with Chisholm’s prosecutorial tactics, notably the John Doe investigation targeting Republican Gov. Scott Walker. Boese emphasized that Waukesha County residents are apprehensive about Chisholm’s influence potentially affecting their community’s safety, evident in the aftermath of incidents like the Waukesha Christmas Parade tragedy.


Both Boese and Thurston, who serve as prosecutors in the current DA’s office, are vying for the Republican nomination in an upcoming primary election. Despite Thurston garnering endorsements from law enforcement circles, concerns raised by individuals affected by crimes like the Jackson Sparks case have fueled public scrutiny over Thurston’s affiliations with Chisholm. The spotlight on Thurston’s contributions underscores the electorate’s strong stance against leniency in criminal justice policies.

With Thurston advocating for a tough-on-crime approach and presenting bail reform propositions, Boese emphasized the necessity of accountability for criminal actions to safeguard the community effectively. Critically evaluating Thurston’s ongoing support for Chisholm and the implications of such affiliations, Boese reiterated her commitment to upholding justice and collaboration with law enforcement agencies to address public safety concerns in Waukesha County. The upcoming primary will determine which candidate aligns with the community’s expectations and priorities in ensuring a secure environment for all residents in the county.

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