Kriminalität und JustizSachsen-Anhalt

Kriminalität unter Jugendlichen in Halle steigt dramatisch – Mädchen verwickelt in brutale Prügelei

In Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, a violent altercation involving four girls occurred at Anhalter Platz on Friday afternoon, resulting in a 13-year-old girl being seriously injured and requiring hospitalization. The dispute escalated into a physical confrontation, leading to the girl’s injuries. Authorities have initiated investigations into three girls suspected of involvement, with the motive behind the incident still under investigation.

The incident sheds light on the increasing trend of violence among youth in Germany, including girls. In Sachsen-Anhalt, there has been a surge in crimes committed by individuals aged 21 and younger. In 2023, the state reported a total of 17,409 criminal offenses related to youth crime, marking a 9.6% increase from the previous year. Alarmingly, 3,986 offenses were attributed to children under 14 years old, representing a nearly 20% rise compared to the preceding year.

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Sachsen-Anhalt’s Minister of the Interior, Tamara Zieschang, expressed concern over the escalating trend of youth crime, emphasizing the importance of early intervention to prevent criminal behavior. Zieschang highlighted the necessity of guiding teenagers toward socially acceptable conduct from an early age to deter criminal activities in the future.

Apart from the incident at Anhalter Platz, the police in Halle are also investigating a separate incident on a tram involving a 37-year-old passenger who requested a 34-year-old man to lower the volume of his loudly played Arabic music. The confrontation led to the older man being subjected to racist insults. The police are actively looking into this incident as well, reflecting ongoing challenges related to public behavior and interactions in the region.

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