
Tag der offenen Tür im Thüringer Landtag: Dr. Kurt Herzberg informiert am 01. Juni 2024

Dr. Kurt Herzberg, the Bürgerbeauftragte (ombudsman) of the Free State of Thuringia, along with his team, will be present at an information booth during the Open Day at the Thuringian State Parliament on Saturday, June 1, 2024. They will serve as contacts for interested citizens who wish to make use of the Open Day to gain insight into the workings of the parliament and its institutions.

The doors of the State Parliament will be open to visitors from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on that day. Visitors will have the opportunity to observe the process of legislation, participate in a panel discussion with representatives of the factions in the parliament, or join a guided tour with the President of the State Parliament. The event will also offer various activities for children.

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Visitors are encouraged to engage with Dr. Herzberg and representatives of the Thuringian State Parliament during the Open Day. Dr. Herzberg will be personally available at the booth from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm to interact with attendees.

For additional information about the Open Day and the full program, interested individuals can visit the following link:

For any further inquiries, the press contact person is Susan Kasten, who can be reached at 0361 57 3113878 or via email at

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