
Probleme mit Vandalismus in Schultoiletten: Stadt plant Gegenmaßnahmen

In Niederkassel, the issue of vandalism in school toilets has become a significant concern. The recent discovery of manipulated toilets in a secondary school highlights the potential risks associated with such actions. The city estimates that repairing intentional damages in school toilets costs at least €25,000 annually. While these costs were not systematically tracked previously, the problem has been escalating, especially in secondary schools. Basic facilities like sinks, paper towel dispensers, and mirrors are commonly targeted, with both secondary and primary schools affected.

Identifying the perpetrators of these acts proves challenging, as most incidents occur during class time to minimize witnesses. To address this trend, a pilot project at Alfred-Delp-Realschule in Mondorf aims to involve students in renovating the aged school toilets. The city hopes that by engaging students in the planning process, they will develop a sense of responsibility for the facilities. The goal is not only to involve students in the design but also to gather ideas on sustainable toilet operations to prevent vandalism.


In Troisdorf, the situation seems more manageable, with minor issues requiring attention intermittently. However, past experiences with severe toilet contamination raised concerns, highlighting the cyclical nature of vandalism in schools. Similarly, the Siegburger Anno Gymnasium has faced challenges ranging from minor contamination to broken mirrors. The school has implemented a new system where students must retrieve a key from the secretary’s office to access the toilets, signifying a shift towards stricter oversight.

School administrators are puzzled by the motivations behind these acts of vandalism, with some attributing them to social media challenges promoting damage. The intermittent nature of vandalism incidents leads to questions about the underlying issues driving such behavior. By engaging students in the maintenance and design of school facilities, authorities hope to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility that may deter future acts of vandalism.

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