
Umsiedlung der Partymeile in Lignano: Konsequenzen für das Party-Leben der Stadt

In Lignano, an Italian city on the Adriatic coast, the bustling party scene might soon be a thing of the past. A proposal by the Tourism City Council could reshape the nightlife of the city. During the Pentecost holidays, Lignano becomes a sought-after destination for party vacations, attracting around 90,000 revelers. However, for the locals, the influx of partygoers turning the Pentecost weekend into a celebration can become a nightmare.

The local police found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of partying individuals, and even additional support from Austria could not prevent disturbances, as reported by sources. Despite various regulations, such as the ban on selling and serving alcohol in cans and glasses after 1 a.m. (except at tables) and restrictions on music, numerous violations occurred. Incidents included fights resulting in a dozen individuals being reported, 30 people requiring medical treatment by rescue workers, and 15 individuals hospitalized due to excessive alcohol consumption.


Amidst concerns over alcohol abuse, physical altercations, drug-related offenses, and property damage, the City Council of Lignano is contemplating relocating the popular party strip known as „Tutto Gas,“ affectionately dubbed the „Italo-Ballermann“ by visitors, to avert similar incidents in the future. The idea entails moving the venue out of the city center and into Luna Park, where guests can party freely while keeping the city alcohol-free. The Luna Park has already proven its viability as a venue by hosting a biker festival shortly before Pentecost. Beach parties are set to continue despite the potential relocation of „Tutto Gas.“

Although the proposition of relocating „Tutto Gas“ is currently in its early stages, with Tourism Councilor Massimo Brini considering it, concrete plans would be discussed in an upcoming City Council meeting. Local restaurateurs, however, may not welcome this proposal warmly, as „Italo-Ballermann“ serves as a significant source of income for them. Lignano has faced conflicts with visitors in the past, including issues surrounding a bikini ban. The potential move of the party hotspot remains a topic under consideration, with its implications set to be examined further in the near future.

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