Kriminalität und JustizProminentSuhl

Skandal in Suhl: Mitarbeiter singen ausländerfeindliche Parolen – Ermittlungen wegen Volksverhetzung

In Suhl, Thüringen, employees of the security company working at the initial reception facility on the Suhler Friedberg were reported to have sung xenophobic slogans to Gigi D’Agostino’s party hit „L’amour toujours,“ including „foreigners out.“ The incident occurred around 1 am on a Saturday, according to Police Commissioner Anne-Kathrin Seifert. Two security guards played the song on their smartphones and sang xenophobic lyrics along with it.

The crucial tip about this disturbing incident came from a colleague who filmed the singing and later filed a complaint for insult on political grounds, as stated by Anne-Kathrin Seifert. Consequently, the Criminal Investigation Department (Kripo) in Suhl is now investigating the two security personnel for suspected incitement to hatred. They face similar legal consequences to the young visitors of the celebrity establishment „Pony“ in Sylt, who chanted „Germany for Germans, foreigners out!“


The Thuringian State Office of Administrative Services responsible for the initial reception facility for refugees in Suhl is aware of the incident. Spokesperson Dr. Michael Achard (50) confirmed that the security company, City Schutz GmbH, based in Schönburg, Saxony-Anhalt, acted promptly. The two employees involved have been immediately suspended and will leave the security firm by June 1st.

Dr. Achard emphasized, „We do not tolerate such behavior at all, especially not in the direct vicinity of the initial reception facility for refugees.“ The swift response by the security company and the ongoing investigation by the authorities illustrate a firm stance against xenophobia and discrimination in Thuringia.

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