
Digitale Grundkompetenz für Senioren: Erfolgreicher MuT-Kurs in Hörlkofen

Digital literacy is becoming increasingly important for seniors in today’s society, and courses aimed at teaching them the necessary skills are gaining popularity. One such course, called „MuT – Medien und Technik Digital 60+,“ was recently held in the Sitzungssaal des Hörlkofener Rathauses, organized by the Volkshochschule (VHS) Erding. The course, led by experienced instructor Susanne Mohr, focuses on providing clear and easily understandable explanations on various digital topics, ranging from basic terminology like apps to more complex concepts like routers and smartphones.

The VHS courses are designed to offer digital basic competence to all interested seniors, with the required technical equipment, such as tablets, provided free of charge. This initiative was made possible through a pilot project in collaboration with the VHS and funding from the Bavarian State Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Affairs. According to Doris Fähr, the managing director of VHS Erding, the main goal is to empower older adults who may feel intimidated by new technologies by offering them the opportunity to learn essential digital skills.

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The curriculum of the course covers a wide range of topics, including navigating the internet, using tools like Google Maps and QR codes, and understanding digital communication methods like emails and messaging applications. The participants, a mix of men and women, are encouraged to take small steps and explore the functionalities of their tablets gradually. Through hands-on exercises, such as taking photos and learning how to use the digital calendar, the seniors gain confidence in their abilities and become more motivated to continue learning.

The engaging teaching style of Susanne Mohr ensures that each participant receives individual attention and guidance as they progress through the course. By the end of the three-part program, the seniors are equipped with the necessary knowledge to engage in digital activities, such as setting up contacts, sending emails, planning trips online, and accessing media content. This newfound digital literacy not only opens up opportunities for communication with family and friends but also fosters a sense of independence and empowerment among the senior learners.

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