Kriminalität und JustizNeukölln

Familiendramen eskalieren nach Schuss in Berlin-Klinik: Polizei im Großeinsatz

In Berlin-Neukölln, a 20-year-old man was found injured by a gunshot, prompting a response from emergency services at 1:00 pm on Lipschitzallee. The man was in critical condition and rushed to the hospital. Upon arrival, the emergency personnel were confronted by the victim’s family, leading to a tense situation that required police intervention. Allegedly, family members became aggressive towards both the emergency responders and hospital staff, prompting the hospital to be placed under police protection.

The police presence was escalated at the scene of the incident, leading to additional arrests to diffuse unruly behavior. Meanwhile, the perpetrator remains at large, prompting the authorities to utilize search dogs in the area surrounding the crime scene. The specifics of the altercation that led to the shooting remain unclear, with reports suggesting a dispute between individuals, possibly related to neighboring businesses.


The investigation into the shooting incident has been taken over by the 8th Homicide Commission to unravel the circumstances that led to the violent encounter. Witnesses have indicated that a conflict preceded the shooting, with reports hinting at tensions between the current and former owners of a nearby barbershop. The situation remains under scrutiny as law enforcement works to piece together the events that transpired, shedding light on the motives behind the violent incident.

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