
Wahlplakat-Diebstahl in Sarstedt: AFD-Plakat entwendet!

In Sarstedt, an incident occurred where an election poster belonging to the AFD party was stolen from a construction fence near the Üstra bus stop on Röntgenstraße. The theft took place between the 24th of May, 4:30 PM, and the 25th of May, 10:30 AM. Authorities are urging any witnesses with information related to the theft to come forward and contact the Sarstedt police at 05066 – 985 0.

This call for witnesses was issued by the Polizeiinspektion Hildesheim, specifically the Polizeikommissariat Sarstedt. Any individuals who may have seen the theft or have information regarding the whereabouts of the stolen election poster are encouraged to assist the authorities in their investigation. Providing information on such incidents is crucial in helping law enforcement hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Daniel Wom Webdesign

The theft of election posters is a concerning issue during political campaigns, as it undermines the democratic process and the principles of fair competition among political parties. The authorities are taking this matter seriously and are seeking cooperation from the community to identify those responsible for the theft. By working together, citizens and law enforcement can uphold the integrity of the electoral process and protect the rights of all political parties to campaign freely and without interference.

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