KoblenzKriminalität und Justiz

Polizei Neuwied sucht Zeugen für Verkehrsunfallflucht am Zeppelinhof

In Neuwied, specifically at the Zeppelinhof parking lot, a hit-and-run accident occurred at the SWN charging station between Saturday, May 24, 2024, at 6:00 PM, and Sunday, May 25, 2024, at 10:30 AM. The incident resulted in damage to a car-sharing vehicle. The Neuwied police are currently seeking witnesses who may have valuable information regarding the incident. Individuals with relevant information are urged to contact the authorities at 02631-8780 or pineuwied@polizei.rlp.de.

For further inquiries, individuals can reach out to the Police Inspection Neuwied/Rhein and contact PHK Bleidt at 02631-878-0. Press releases from the Police in Rhineland-Palatinate are free for publication as long as the source is mentioned.


It is essential for the community to come forward with any information that could assist in resolving this case. Cooperation with the authorities is crucial in ensuring that justice is served and that individuals responsible for such accidents are held accountable. The police’s effort relies significantly on the support and cooperation of witnesses and the broader community.

Anyone who may have seen or heard anything suspicious in the vicinity of the Zeppelinhof parking lot during the mentioned timeframe is encouraged to step forward and provide their account of the events. Such information could be pivotal in advancing the investigation and identifying the responsible parties for the hit-and-run accident that took place at the SWN charging station.

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