
Tödlicher Unfall in Kalletal: Mann stirbt nach Kollision mit Lastwagen an Unfallstelle

In Kalletal, near Bielefeld, a tragic incident unfolded as a man found himself trapped beneath a truck with his car’s driver’s side, resulting in fatal injuries. The 40-year-old driver veered across the oncoming lane into a left adjacent embankment and then back onto the road in the afternoon, for reasons that remain unclear, according to police reports.

An oncoming truck driver noticed the unfolding situation and attempted to swerve to avoid a collision. Despite the evasive maneuver, the truck was still struck on its passenger side by the 40-year-old’s vehicle. The impact caused severe injuries to the man, leading to his untimely death at the scene of the accident.


The 66-year-old truck driver and his 29-year-old passenger were taken to the hospital as a precaution by authorities but were discharged shortly thereafter. The B238 route through Dalbke towards Langenholzhausen had to be temporarily closed for approximately two hours due to the incident. The precise circumstances surrounding the tragic accident are currently under investigation to fully understand the sequence of events that led to this fatal outcome.

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