
Rettung des Großen Windröschens: Naturschützer feiern Erfolg in Oberschmeien!

In Oberschmeien, several hundred specimens of the Great Anemone are currently blooming at Guibstein and Pfaffenkappe. These are the last natural occurrences of this larger sister of the common Lesser Anemone in the Sigmaringen district, according to Jürgen Zimmerer, a nature conservation expert from the Sigmaringen District Office. While other previously known occurrences have been overgrown by shrubs over time, the BUND Sigmaringen, under the leadership of Gerhard Stumpp, has taken good care of this area in Oberschmeien. Through volunteer landscape care over the past quarter-century, the BUND has ensured that this species has not become extinct in the district, much to Zimmerer’s delight.

The population of the Great Anemone in Oberschmeien this year is unprecedented in this century. The efforts of the BUND Sigmaringen in preserving this species have been instrumental in maintaining its presence in the region. The dedication to safeguarding the habitat of the Great Anemone has paid off, allowing for a flourishing population unseen in decades. Zimmerer’s statements highlight the importance of proactive conservation measures in preserving the biodiversity of plant species in the Sigmaringen district.


The abundance of Great Anemones in Oberschmeien serves as a testament to the success of sustained conservation efforts over the years. The sight of these blooming flowers is a rare occurrence, bringing joy to nature enthusiasts and conservationists alike. The continued vigilance and care taken by organizations like the BUND Sigmaringen are crucial in protecting the ecological balance and richness of plant life in the region. As these images of flourishing Great Anemones grace the landscapes of Oberschmeien, the significance of preserving such natural wonders becomes ever more apparent in an age of environmental challenges.

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