
Jenas Lichtstadt begrüßt neue Barfußschuh-Filiale von Leguano am Teichgraben

In Jena, Thüringen, there are changes on the horizon following the closure of a bakery. The „Ostthüringer Zeitung“ reports that the company „Backwerk“ has withdrawn from the city, leaving commercial spaces at Teichgraben vacant. Despite initial expectations for a swift successor, the process lingered, and since the beginning of 2023, the spaces have remained unoccupied.

Fortunately, a new tenant has been secured to fill the void. The barefoot shoe provider „Leguano,“ already established in Jena, is set to occupy the Teichgraben location. According to the „Ostthüringer Zeitung,“ the decision to relocate within the city stems from a desire to better serve customers and expand reach from the previous Carl-Zeiss-Platz location.


The company plans to inaugurate its new store on Saturday, May 18th, marking a fresh chapter for the familiar brand in Jena. This transition signifies a strategic move for „Leguano,“ positioning them to enhance their customer experience and broaden their market presence within the city. The shift from a bakery to a shoe store brings a unique dynamism to the commercial landscape, offering residents and visitors a diverse array of shopping options in the vibrant city of Jena.

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