
Präsident Joe Biden erwägt Rückzug aus Wahlrennen: Nate Silver schlägt Alarm

Nate Silver, a prominent pollster, has raised concerns about President Joe Biden’s chances in the upcoming election. Silver suggested that if Biden continues to struggle by August, the President should consider stepping aside from the race. Silver’s comments came as an independent poll indicated that former President Donald Trump holds a lead over Biden in key states when third-party candidates are included.

The possibility of Biden dropping out of the presidential race gained attention as primary protest votes during the Democratic primaries raised doubts about his campaign. Biden’s proposal for two presidential debates with Trump was also met with criticism by Silver, who viewed Biden’s limited debate plans as a negative sign for his campaign. According to Silver, more debates would introduce volatility and uncertainty, which could benefit a candidate trailing in polls. However, Biden’s preference for fewer debates was seen as a cause for concern.


The upcoming Democratic National Convention in August may serve as a critical juncture for Biden’s campaign, prompting discussions about the President’s viability as a candidate. With polls indicating Trump’s advantage in several swing states and Biden facing challenges within his party, the pressure on Biden to perform well in the coming months continues to mount. Silver’s recommendation for Biden to evaluate his position and possibly step aside adds to the growing uncertainties surrounding the upcoming election.

As the political landscape evolves leading up to the election, Biden’s response to these challenges and his ability to garner support, particularly among independent and swing voters, will be closely monitored. The decisions made by Biden in the aftermath of Silver’s comments and the developments at the Democratic National Convention are likely to shape the trajectory of the presidential race in the months to come. The importance of these events in determining the outcome of the election underscores the high stakes involved in the political landscape of the United States.

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