
Lebensgeschichte des bedeutenden Dichters Rabie Bin Yaqoot in den VAE

Rabie Bin Yaqoot gestures during an event. File

Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

Poet Rabie Bin Yaqoot, a prominent poet of Nabati poetry in the UAE, passed away at the age of 96 on Wednesday.

His death was mourned by Sheikh Ammar Bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman, who expressed his condolences on Instagram. „The great poet of Ajman has passed away. To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. Our condolences to his family and tribe,“ the Sheikh shared.

Bin Yaqoot, born in Ajman in 1928, began his literary journey early in life. He ventured into poetry and, after a period of work in Kuwait in the 1940s, he later returned to the UAE, engaging in theatrical activities and ultimately focusing on his poetic craft.

His contribution to the cultural scene of Ajman was profound, particularly through his involvement in the Ajman Folklore Art Society. Here, he dedicated himself to preserving and passing on the artistic heritage of the region to future generations.

Bin Yaqoot’s legacy as a poet and artist will continue to inspire and resonate within the Emirati cultural landscape, leaving an indelible mark on the community he passionately served throughout his life.

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