
Bronzezeitliche Grabkammer mit drei Skeletten entdeckt – Archäologen enthüllen mysteriöse Funde in Uehrde

In Uehrde, a rectangular pit was uncovered during the archaeological monitoring of the development work for the Gevensleben-Uehrde-Winnigstedt wind farm, leading to the immediate rescue of human skeletal remains and two clay vessels placed in a corner of the burial chamber. This excavation was carried out by personnel from the Regional Directorate Braunschweig of the Lower Saxony State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and archaeologist Jörg Weber, as reported by Landwind-Gruppe GmbH, the entity responsible for the wind farm.

The preliminary archaeological analysis was conducted by Immo Heske, the curator of the Seminar for Prehistory and Early History at the University of Göttingen, who previously led excavations and research at the Hünenburg in the neighboring Watenstedt for almost two decades. Human skeletal remains found were examined by Braunschweig anthropologist Silke Grefen-Peters, with funding provided by the Landwind-Gruppe.

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The discoveries provided insightful glimpses into life in the region near Heeseberg during the transition from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium BC, approximately 4000 years ago. The absolute age of the findings dates back to 2020-1900 BC, with the two vessels identified as belonging to the early Bronze Age Aunjetitzer culture. The individuals buried in the grave lived during the period of the creation of the Nebra Sky Disk.

The analysis of the skeletal positions and individual bones revealed the burial of three individuals in the grave. Initially, an approximately 40- to 50-year-old woman was laid to rest in the pit. Subsequently, a man of similar age was buried transversely to the woman, lying on his back with flexed legs. The remains of a one-year-old child were found near the man’s upper body. This burial practice differed from the typical single flexed burials of that time, indicating a complex burial ritual involving the removal and rearrangement of various bones.

Further examination of the recovered burials, including skeletal remains from the Leine and Weser rivers, will be conducted in a broader context, as stated by the Landwind-Gruppe. A research proposal was submitted to the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture last year. The findings, along with other excavated burials, will be displayed during the inauguration celebration of the Gevensleben-Uehrde-Winnigstedt wind farm on May 30th at 4 pm, allowing guests to view and learn about them from the involved archaeologists.

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