Hersfeld-RotenburgKriminalität und Justiz

Pferde in Haunetal erschossen: Jäger macht Fehlschüsse – Polizei ermittelt

In Haunetal, Hessen, two horse owners were confronted with a heartbreaking discovery as they found their two 15-year-old horses shot to death in their pasture. The gruesome incident was reported to the police, who confirmed that both animals had suffered gunshot wounds. Witnesses alerted law enforcement after hearing what they believed to be gunshots during the night. Subsequent investigations revealed that a hunter in the vicinity had mistakenly discharged two shots intended for wild animals on the same night.

Authorities are now tasked with determining whether there is a direct link between the hunter’s errant shots and the tragic demise of the horses. While investigations are ongoing, the police have stated that no evidence currently suggests a deliberate targeting of the horses. Anyone with relevant information regarding the incident is urged to contact the Bad Hersfeld police station or any other law enforcement agency. This incident follows a recent alarming assault in Kassel, where an unidentified individual attacked a paramedic with a sink.

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